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EO for Africa Symposium

Members of the WaSCIA project team will be attending the EO for Africa Symposium from 23-26th September 2024 at ESA-ESRIN in Frascati, Italy.

The team will present results from the WaSCIA project during the session 'Water and food security nexus'.

Presentation title: WaSCIA: Addressing Water Stress and Drought in Senegal through the Integration of Earth Observations and Climate Data. Presentation time: Tuesday 24/09/2024, 11:45 CEST.

WaSCIA User Workshop in Senegal

The WaSCIA project team held a 2-day user workshop, on 3rd - 4th July in Dakar, Senegal.

The workshop was attended by 17 participants, from a range of regional organisations and research groups. On the first day, the participants were introduced to the project and the WaSCIA applications, before getting a chance to try out the applications in a hands-on practical session on the second day. Feedback gathered during the workshop will help shape the future of the WaSCIA project and tools.

WaSCIA User Workshop in Senegal

The WaSCIA project team are organising a user workshop in Dakar, Senegal:

  • Outreach workshop on Soil Moisture and Climate Indices Applications developed in the framework of the: “Water Stress and Climate Indices for Africa (WaSCIA)” project
  • 3th - 4th July 2024
  • Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD), Dakar, Senegal
WaSCIA Applications: We need your feedback!

Now that the WaSCIA Applications are live, we invite users to watch the demo videos here, try out the applications and notebooks and give us your feedback here:

Please let us know about your experience, any problems you encountered or any improvements you would like to see in the future!

WaSCIA User Webinars

The WaSCIA project team held two online webinars on 11th March and 27th March to showcase the WaSCIA applications and to gather feedback from users who have been able to try the applications for themselves.

The webinars covered an introduction to the WaSCIA project, the WASDI platform, the WaSCIA applications and accompanying Jupyter Notebooks. Recordings of the webinars are available to watch here ...

WaSCIA Applications are now Live!

The WaSCIA applications developed in this project have been deployed on WASDI and are accessible through the WASDI Space Marketplace. These are accompanied by a suite of Jupyter notebooks which sit alongside the generated outputs and enable users to easily interact with the data and extract valuable insights.

WaSCIA Project Documentation

The Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document, Product Specification, and Processor Documentation for the WaSCIA solution are now available.

These reports describe the products, applications and processors developed as part of the WaSCIA project...

Stakeholder Workshop at ESA ESRIN

The WaSCIA project team met on 13th December in ESRIN, Frascati for a successful review meeting and workshop. In attendance were project team members from Telespazio UK, RRS-Hydro and Telespazio France plus project partners from LPAOSF and DGPRE (AGRHYMET attended online) ...

WaSCIA Demonstration for the African Stakeholders

The WaSCIA team held a successful virtual meeting for the African stakeholders on August 30th 2023, to demonstrate the service and current developments as well as to gather feedback from the stakeholders.

During the meeting, the following items were discussed...

Policy Review Matrix Report

The Policy Traceability Matrix Report is now available.

This report contains the Policy Review Matrix which collects key policy requirements relevant to the WaSCIA project. A review of key policy documents was undertaken by the WaSCIA team with the aim of identifying policy goals, actions and requirements...

State of the Art Review Report

The State-of-the-Art Review Report is now available.

This report contains a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art of EO-based methods and solutions relevant to the WaSCIA project. A literature review was undertaken by the WaSCIA team with the aim of identifying the most appropriate methods...

User Survey Summary Report

Following our WaSCIA user survey we are pleased to publish the User Survey Summary Report. This report contains a summary of the summary of the results from the user engagement activities, suitable for public distribution ...

First meeting in Dakar!

Livio Loi from RSS-Hydro had an in person meeting with a group of stakeholders in Senegal on February 23rd 2023. He was traveling to Senegal as member of Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce mission to Senegal...

WaSCIA User Survey Launched!

A user survey developed by the WaSCIA project team, was launched online on 6th January 2023. The survey was distributed to a wide audience of potential end users in West Africa. The objectives of the user survey are ...