WaSCIA User Webinars
The WaSCIA project team held two online webinars on 11th March and 27th March to showcase the WaSCIA Applications and to gather feedback from users who have been able to try the applications for themselves.
- Webinar Session 1: 11th March 2024
The webinar covered an introduction to the WaSCIA project, and introduction to the WASDI Platform and a live demonstration of the WaSCIA HydroSENS-Soil Water Stress Application.
See the WaSCIA Applications for more information about these tools.
A recording of the webinar is available here.
- Webinar Session 2: 27th March 2024
The webinar covered a demonstration of the WaSCIA Climate Indices Application and the accompanying Jupyter notebooks.
A recording of the webinar is available here.
See the WaSCIA Applications for more information about these tools.
User Feedback:
We invite users to watch the demo videos here, try out the applications and notebooks and give us your feedback here: https://eu.surveymonkey.com/r/wascia-feedback
Users who complete the feedback survey and leave their name and organisation will be acknowledged in our journal paper (in preparation) and will be the first on the list to be invited to our in-country workshop!