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WaSCIA Climate Indices Simple Plotting Notebook
Published: 08/03/2024

This notebook has been prepared to demonstrate some simple plotting of the WaSCIA climate indices.

Designed to sit alongside the user’s WASDI workspace. After running the climate indices application (wascia_processor_climate_indicators) and generating the climate indices of interest, the notebook will read these output data files directly from the user’s workspace.

The notebook provides a number of plotting functions to generate a range of common timeseries and heatmap plots.

While not all the plots will be relevant for all of the indices, these plots are intended as examples and we encourage the users to select the most appropriate plot for their purpose and/or adapt the code as necessary.

Download the notebook here and then upload it to WASDI to be able to generate plots from the outputs in your personal workspace.

This demo video explains the steps needed to run the notebook.

WaSCIA Threshold Warning Notebook
Published: 08/03/2024 Updated: 26/06/2024

This notebook has been prepared to enable users to compare the climatology and the in-season time-series of a selected climate index.

Designed to sit alongside the user’s WASDI workspace. After running the climate indices application (wascia_processor_climate_indicators), the notebook will read these output data files directly from the user’s workspace.

  • Climatology Generation: For the selected climate index, the notebook will calculate the climatology of that index, using historical data from the baseline period 1981 to 2010.
  • Threshold Definition: For the comparison of a specific year with the climatology data (1981-2010), the warning thresholds can be set as: Percentiles, Standard deviation or Absolute Values
  • Decision Support: The tool generates a user-friendly plot of the climatology and the time series of a selected climate index, so the user can easily detect the periods that fall outside of the thresholds selected.

This demo video explains the steps needed to run the notebook.

Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document & Product Specification
Published: 19/01/2024

This report contains both the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) and Product Specification for the WaSCIA solution.

The ATBD provides a description of the algorithms used to generate the WaSCIA products which include the surface wetness and evaporation loss data products, the climate indices and the threshold warnings....

WaSCIA Processor Documentation
Published: 19/01/2024

This document describes the processors and workflows that sit behind the WaSCIA applications. It also describes the cloud-based infrastructure, WASDI, whether the processors are deployed. The WaSCIA solution comprises two main components:

  • WaSCIA HydroSENS-Soil Water Stress Application
  • WaSCIA Climate Indices Application...
User Survey Summary Report
Published: 09/05/2023

This report contains a summary of the results from the WaSCIA User Survey, suitable for public distribution.

State-of-the-Art Review Report
Published: 06/07/2023

This report contains a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art of EO-based methods and solutions relevant to the WaSCIA project.

Policy Traceability Matrix Summary Report
Published: 06/07/2023

This report contains the Policy Review Matrix which collects key policy requirements relevant to the WaSCIA project.